Sabtu, 29 November 2014

A-True Real Black Tea True Active CC Cushion

I like tea. Black tea a lot more than green tea. 
All sorts of corn tea, barely tea and other beverages of that type I don't even consider to be tea.

My tea has to be black. No milk, no sugar, no lemon. Just tea, thank you.
I love Earl Grey the most. Just like Captain Picard.

Surprisingly, this story has not only Captain Picard in it, but Memebox as well. Can you top that?
A while back when Memebox had a tea themed box, I missed it. Because I had to work that day, and unlike true memeheads, I actually have a life away from the computer or my phone. That time, my life got in the way, and the box got away. The box that had a tea tin filled with A-True samples in it.

Lubie herbate. Czarna o wiele bardziej niz zielona.
A roznego rodzaju "herbaty" zbozowe, kukurydziane i tym podobne nawet nie uwazam za herbaty.

Moja herbata ma byc czarna. Bez mleka, bez cukru, bez cytryny. Herbata po prostu.
Kocham Earl Grey. Tak jak kapitan Picard.

Dzisiejsza historia ma nie tylko kapitana Picarda, ale rowniez i Memebox. Takiego kombo nie da sie juz przebic.
Dawno dawno temu, kiedy Memebox mialo pudelko herbaciane, ja je przegapilam. Bo bylam w pracy. I w przeciwienstwie do wielu meme-maniakow, ja prowadze rowniez calkiem satysfakcjonujace zycie z dala od komputera i smartfona. Tym razem jednak, moje zycie i to pudelko rozminely sie kompletnie. To mityczne pudelko z czerwona puszka wypelniona probkami kosmetykow firmy A-True.

A few weeks after that I was talking to my friend and somehow we ended up discussing tea and our willingness to drive ridiculous distances to purchase good quality black tea. And somehow I mentioned tea-based cosmetics.
My friend said: "oh, you mean like that one Korean company that uses tea in their products? Yeah, they're really awesome."
What the heck?
Was I the only person left on this planet who hasn't tried anything from A-True?

My friend said: "You stupid, check their website. They even have a Japanese language version."

And with that, she made me feel even more inadequate.

Kilka tygodni potem rozmawialam z psiapsiola i rozmowa zeszla na herbate i fakt, ze bylysmy w stanie jechac ponad 100 kilometrow do prefektury obok, aby kupic dobrej jakosci czarna herbate. I jakos tak wspomnialam herbaciane kosmetyki.

A ona na to: "Tak jak ta koreanska firma co robi rzeczy na bazie herbaty? Yeah, sa swietne."
No kurzasz twarz!
Czy ostalam sie jedyna osoba na tej planecie, ktora nie miala jeszcze okazji wyprobowac herbacianych kosmetykow z A-True?

Psiapsiola dodala: "Ty glupia, sprawdz ich strone. Maja nawet wersje po japonsku."
I wtedy poczulam sie kompletnie nie na czasie.


I did check the company's website. And yes, they did have a Japanese language version.
I emailed the company asking where to buy their products in Japan. When buying new skincare, I always prefer to sniff and touch the stuff I want to buy before actually handing over the money.

Sadly, back then the only place to buy A-True was directly from the firm. And the shipping fee was ridiculous.

Later I found out that A-True sent out a bunch of sampler kits to various bloggers. I guess I wasn't worthy enough. But then again, I never asked.
What I did get a few weeks later was an email informing me that an internet shop - Jolse - started to carry A-True products.

I did what any curious tea and skincare obsessed woman would do. I clicked over to Jolse and bought the very same sampler kit that A-True had been sending out to bloggers. Actually, I bought two of them. And I also bought a cushion (no surprise there).

Sprawdzilam strone firmy. Faktycznie mieli wersje japonska.
Wyslalam im maila z zapytaniem, gdzie mozna kupic ich produkty w Japonii. Bo kupujac nowa dla mnie pielegnacje, wole ja powachac i pomacac, zanim wyloze pieniadze.

Niestety, dostepne byly jedynie od firmy. Przez internet. Z wysylka kosztujaca tyle, ze chec mi przeszla.

Duzo pozniej dowiedzialam sie, ze A-True wysylalo zestawy testerow do roznych blogerek. Widocznie nie zaslugiwalam na taki gest. Ale tez, faktem jest, ze o probki nie zebralam.
Co dostalam, kilka tygodni pozniej, to email, ze A-True rozpoczelo dystrybucje przez sklep internetowy Jolse.

Wiec zrobilam to, co kazda rozsadna baba zrobilaby na moim miejscu - kliknelam do Jolse i kupilam zestaw probek. Ten sam zestaw, ktory A-True wysylalo blogerkom za friko.
Tak w zasadzie, to kupilam dwa zestawy.
I kliknela mi sie rowniez poduszka.

One of the sampler kits I was going to use in a blog giveaway, but... I forgot about another friend's birthday, so, you know... I had to improvise. And yes, she loved the gift.

The tin sampler had been reviewed ad nauseam on various blogs, so even though thoroughly delicious, I'll spare you the pain of reading about it yet again. 

Today, we'll talk about my favorite stuff. That is, the cushion!!!

If you're new to Korean cushion foundations, click on the "Cushion Foundations" link in the top menu.

Jeden zestaw probek mial byc na blogowa rozdawajke, ale... zapomnialam o urodzinach innej kolezanki, i potrzebowalam prezentu na szybko.
Prezent bardzo jej sie spodobal.

Ten zestaw probek w puszce byl juz opisywany na tylu blogach, ze nie widze potrzeby aby to robic tutaj.

Dzis bedzie o moim ulubionym kosmetyku. Czyli o poduszce!

Jesli to pierwszy raz, kiedy slyszysz o koreanskich podkladach w formie poduszki, kliknij na link "Cushion Foundations" w menu u gory.

Ladies and gentlemen (if any gentlemen are reading this), please meet the A-True Real Black Tea True Active CC Cushion SPF 50+ / PA+++ in 01. Light Beige.

I could basically say "go and buy this cushion now" and end my review right there. Because if there's one cushion you need to have, this is it. 
Yes, I still love my Hanyul Luminant Cushion, but for winter, I'm happy to have a steamy affair with A-True.

Panie i panowie (jesli jacys panowie ten blog czytaja), przedstawiam Wam dzis A-True Real Black Tea True Active CC Cushion SPF 50+ / PA+++ w odcieniu 01 czyli jasny bez.

Moglabym napisac "idz i kup ta poduszke teraz i zaraz" i w zasadzie skonczyc ta recenzje tu i teraz. Bo jesli istnieje poduszka, ktora trzeba miec, to jest to wlasnie ta A-True.
Tak, nadal kocham Hanyl Luminant Cushion, ale tej zimy bede zdradzac ja z poduszka A-True.

I'll be the first to admit that I was apprehensive at first. My first couple of tries, yes, I was impressed with this cushion's staying power. And its ability to stay in place without a primer and setting powder. But the true (hahaha, get it, "true") wow came yesterday.
After a week of using this cushion my skin actually looks better. Healthier. It's glowing. It feels soft and supple. 

I haven't made any other changes in my skincare routine. The only logical explanation is this cushion.

This is what the company has to say:

Przyznam sie od razu, ze na poczatku bylam bardzo niepewnie nastawiona. Pierwsze wrazenia byly bardzo pozytywne pod wzgledem trwalosci (caly dzien). I faktem, ze trzymala sie idealnie na twarzy nawet bez bazy i bez utrwalenia pudrem.
Ale prawdziwego wow doznalam wczoraj.
Po tygodniu uzywania tej poduszki moja cera wyglada po prostu lepiej. Zdrowiej. Ma blask. Jest miekka i jedrna w dotyku.
Nie zrobilam zadnych innych zmian w mojej pielegnacji. Wiec jedynym logicznym wytlumaczeniem jest ta poduszka.

Tutaj co firma ma do powiedzenia:

What's different about this cushion? It uses fermented tea extract as its main ingredient. 
Compagnie Coloniale is indeed a French tea brand.

Even though the idea of fermented tea doesn't sound too appealing to me, the end result in this cushion is an all around winner.

Czym rozni sie ta poduszka? Ma sfermentowany wyciag herbaciany jako glowny skladnik.
Compagnie Coloniale to faktycznie francuska firma herbaciana.

Choc sam pomysl sfermentowanej herbaty nie brzmi zbyt smakowicie, efekt koncowy w postaci tej poduszki wygrywa na calej linii. Jest moc, jak to mawiaja.

A-True promises 1. radiance and 2. firming and 3. hydrating and 4. toning and 5. brightening and 6. boosting.

After just a week of use I can confirm points 1 through 3. I suppose I need to use it a bit longer to see any visible signs of points 4 and 5. 
I'm not sure about point 6, because I simply don't know what it's supposed to be boosting.

Here are the ingredients:

A-True obiecuje: 1. blask i 2. ujedrnienie i 3. nawilzenie i 4. tonowanie i 5. rozjasnienie i 6. wzmocnienie.

I po tygodniu moge potwierdzic punkty 1, 2 i 3. Mam nadzieje, ze przy dluzszym uzywaniu bede mogla powiedziec to samo o pozostalych punktach. Nie mam pojecia co numer 6 ma wzmacniac, ale cokolwiek by to bylo, to i tak dobrze.

Tutaj skladniki

Yep, you can see it right at the very top leading the list. Black tea ferment instead of water.
The company also makes this promise:

Tak, na samym szczycie widac, ze numero uno to sfermentowana czarna herbata zamiast wody.
Firma rowniez obiecuje to:

As you can see the box is surprisingly slim. It's because there is no refill. 
Yep. No refill. 

Jak widac opakowanie jest bardzo chudziutkie. To dlatego, ze nie ma dodatkowego wkladu do wymiany.
Nie ma refilla.

All we get is a cushion compact and a leaflet in three languages - English, Japanese and Korea.
Yes, I admit. For that price, I was a little disappointed. 

The compact is the same as many other cushion compacts. It seems most niche companies use the same supplier who has just one generic design.

Jedyne co dostajemy to poduszkowy kompakt i ulotke po angielsku, japonsku i koreansku.
Przyznam sie, ze za taka cene bylam ciut rozczarowana.

Kompakt jest taki sam jak i wielu innych firm. Chyba wszystkie mniejsze firmy uzywaja tego samego dostawcy, ktory ma tylko jeden dizjan w ofercie.

The back tells us something in Korean that I can't read.

Na spodzie mamy cos tam po koreansku, ale nie umiem tego przeczytac.

It also tells you that what I got is color number 01. And that there are 12 grams of product inside the compact. That's 1 gram less than mainstream cushions.

When we open the compact, it's the usual cushion story:

Mozna jednak zrozumiec, ze moj kolor to odcien 01. I ze jest 12 gramow produktu. To o gram mniej niz u popularnych marek mainstreamowych.

Po otwarciu kompaktu, mamy to samo co przy kazdej innej poduszce.

The sponge is sufficiently sturdy and the inner lid super tight. So tight I almost broke it when trying to open the cushion.

Gabeczka do nakladania podkladu jest solidna, a wewnetrzna pokrywka bardzo ciasno dopasowana. Tak ciasna, ze niemal ja urwalam probujac dostac sie do wnetrza poduszki.

Under the inner lid there is a protective safety seal protecting the cushion:

Pod wewnetrzna pokrywka mamy naklejke chroniaca powierzchnie poduszki:

The seal wasn't applied straight. Usually, the peel off tag faces either at 12 or 6 o'clock. Here we have 1  o'clock. Also the bottom of the seal was covered with foundation, which leads me to believe this cushion had a very turbulent past. Or that the cushion sponge was oversaturated with foundation. Usually the bottom of the seal is clean.

And here's the cushion's surface:

Naklejka nie byla naklejona rowno. Zazwyczaj dzyndzel wskazuje na godzine 12-ta albo 6-ta. Tutaj mamy ja w kierunku 1-ej. Spod naklejki upackany byl podkladem, co sugeruje, ze ta podusia miala burzliwa przeszlosc. Albo ze poduszka byla zbyt nasaczona podkladem.
Zazwyczaj spod naklejki jest czysty.

A tutaj powierzchnia poduszki:

The shade I got was 01 Light Beige.

Moj odcien to 01, czyli jasny bez.

Photo taken in natural light and not modified in any way.

Zdjecia w swietle naturalnym bez fotoszopa.

I really hate what Blogger does to photos, because what you see above does not true represent the color of this cushion. It's close, but not exactly. It looks really amazing in real life.

What A-True succeeded in doing is creating a shade of beige that is neutral. Not yellow, not pink. Just neutral. Very similar to Banila Co BE-10.

The other available A-True cushion color is 02 True Beige.

Sadly, I am not able to show you both of these shades side by side, but I would imagine True Beige is a tad bit darker.

This foundation is slightly thicker and creamier than what I came to expect in a cushion. 
It's glowing but without being overly dewy. Almost more satin than straight glow. Something in-between.

Naprawde nienawidze tego co Blogger robi ze zdjeciami. To co tutaj wyszlo nie oddaje w 100% tego odcienia. Jest blisko, ale lepiej w rzeczywistosci niz tu na zdjeciach.

Co sie A-True udalo, ze odcien bezu, ktory jest w pelni neutralny. Nie zolty, nie rozowy. Po prostu neutralny. Podobny do Banila Co BE-10.

Drugi dostepny odcien to 02 prawdziwy bez.
Niestety nie jestem w stanie porownac ich obok siebie. Ale wydaje mi sie, ze "prawdziwy bez" powinien byc ciut ciemniejszy.

Ten podklad jest gestszy, bardziej kremowy niz to co dotychczas widzialam w poduszkach.
Wykoczenie jest glow, ale bez mokrego efektu. W zasadzie bardziej satyna niz glow. Cos pomiedzy.

My birthday friend, who insisted on trying it, and who has a problematic T-zone proclaimed this cushion ideal for those with combination and oily skin.

My skin is dry and I am also very happy with it.
Usually I don't believe in "for all skin types" cosmetics, but this is very possibly the case of such a wonder. The very rare exception that only confirms the rule.

The scent is very delicate and very yummy! It does smell very faintly of tea. I hate scented products, but this one is so pleasant that even I'm surprised by how much I like it. A-True should start making perfume.

I really don't know what else to tell you other than that I bought this cushion myself, paid US$41.80 for it, and I'm already thinking how to get a refill for it.

Moja urodzinowa psiapsiola domagala sie sprobowania tej poduszki. Ma problematyczna strefe T i po dokladnym macaniu i smarowaniu uznala ta poduszke za idealna dla osob z cera mieszana w kierunku tlustej.

Ja mam skore sucha i tez jestem zadowolona.
Osobiscie uwazam za bajki produkty, ktore twierdza, ze sa "dla wszystkich rodzajow cer". Ale w przypadku tej poduszki, bardzo mozliwe, ze jest to jeden z tych nielicznych wyjatkow, ktore potwierdzaja regule.

Zapach jest bardzo delikatny i bardzo smakowity. Rzeczywiscie przypomina herbate. Nie znosze naperfumowanych kosmetykow, ale ten tutaj jest tak mily, ze az sama sie dziwie jak bardzo przypadl mi do gustu. A-True powinien zaczal robic perfumy.

Nie wiem co jeszcze dodac, oprocz tego, ze kupilam ta poduszke za wlasne pieniadze, kosztowala US$41.80, i juz sie zastanawiam jak zdobyc wymienna wkladke.

Dealing with Jolse was a pleasure and I got my package super quick. They also read my mind and included almost exclusively cleansing samples. Which is great, because I am very picky when it comes to creams, toners, essences and serums.

You can get A-True Real Black Tea True Active CC Cushion here
You can also find it on ebay.
And no, this is not a sponsored review.
This is my own, personal, unbiased opinion. 

Zakupy w Jolse byly bezproblemowe i paczka przyszla bardzo szybko. Telepatycznie rowniez dowiedzieli sie, ze jestem bardzo upierdliwa jesli chodzi o kremy, tonery, esencje i serum, i jako probki wlozyli niemal wylacznie produkty oczyszczajace.

A-True Real Black Tea True Active CC Cushion jest do nabycia tutaj.
Mozna ja rowniez znalezc na ebayu. Cena taka sama.
I nie, nie jest to wpis sponsorowany.
To moja wlasna, osobista opinia.

Like I said on Instagram, I love this cushion. I want to marry it.

Jak juz wspominalam na Instagramie. Wyszlabym za maz za ta poduszke.

Now that I got my refund from my ill-fated ebay purchase of su:m37 sticks, I am busy thinking what I should get next from the A-True line up.
This? or This? Or perhaps this?

Hmmm... decisions... decisions...

Dostalam zwrot pieniedzy za pewne niefortunne zakupy na ebayu i juz sie zastanawiam co by wyprobowac z oferty A-True w nastepnej kolejnosci.
To? Czy To? A moze to?
Decyzje, decyzje...

PS. I really own any "western" foundations anymore, so it's hard for me to compare cushion colors to brands you might be familiar with. I'll try to purchase a "control" foundation, maybe a MAC or something equally popular and hopefully it can give you a better idea colorwise.

For now, all I have are trial sizes of Laura Mercier, so here you go. A-True next to two shades of Laura Mercier moisture something or the other.

Unedited photo taken in natural light.

Niestety nie posiadam zadnych "zachodnich" podkladow, aby uzywac ich do porownywania kolorow poduszek. Mam tylko dwie probne Laury Mercier. Tak prezentuje sie A-True obok nich.
Postaram sie zainwestowac w jakis podstawowy odcien MACowy i uzywac go do porownan w przyszlosci.

Rabu, 26 November 2014

Iope creams

I am lazy. And that's a fact.
I'm so lazy that when Memebox released two Iope boxes (anybody still remember those times?), I actually bought box number 1. I had a bunch of memepoints that came out of nowhere, plus when you bought that box through an affiliate link, you could get even more points. And hey, if you give me bonus points, I'm good and ready to buy just about anything.

I knew that the box contained cosmetics that were already discontinued by the company. And I didn't care all that much. It was more convenient for me to buy the whole box than to search for individual items elsewhere.

Jestem leniwcem. To jest fakt.
Jestem takim leniwcem, ze kiedy Memebox wypuscilo boxa z produktami Iope (ktos jeszcze pamieta te czasy?), to kupilam pudelko numer 1. Mialam jakies memepunkty, i dostawalo sie dodatkowy punktowy bonus przy zakupie tego pudelka.

Wiedzialam, ze kosmetyki z tego pudelka zostaly juz wycofane przez Iope. I w zasadzie, nie obchodzilo mnie to za bardzo. Bylo mi latwiej kupic cale pudelko niz szukac poszczegolnych rzeczy osobno. Choc osobno wyszloby taniej.


Iope is one of the many brands coming out of Amore Pacific. 
I like Iope cushion foundations. And that's a fact.
So in my naivete I thought that maybe perhaps I would also like their skincare.

I have already finished this poor excuse for an anti-wrinkle eye cream:

Iope to jedna z wielu marek ze stajni Amore Pacific.
Lubie podkladowe poduszki Iope. To jest fact.
I w mej naiwnosci tak sobie myslalam, ze more polubie tez i pielegnacje tej marki.

Juz skonczylam ta patetyczna wymowke za krem przeciw-zmarszczkowy pod oczy:

Its full name is Iope Essential Tone & Wrinkle Care Eye Cream. Any longer and we'd run out of the alphabet. Srsly.

We get 25ml of white cream in a soft, plastic, very shiny tube.

Pelna nazwa to Iope Essential Tone & Wrinkle Care Eye Cream. Ciut dluzsza i alfabetu by zabraklo.

Dostajemy 25ml bialego kremu w miekkiej, plastikowej, bardzo swiecacej sie tubce.

It looks like a tube of medicated ointment with that pointy tip. 

The cream claims this:

Wyglada na jakis medyczny specyfik z tym dlugim aplikatorem.
Krem twierdzi, ze:

"Advanced Formula for Reduce Deep Wrinkles".

Did it do it? No.
Did it do anything? No.
Anything at all? No.

I ended up using it on my neck. Goodbye and good riddance.

I am still fighting with this horror of a moisturizing cream:

"Zaawansowana formula do zredukowania glebokich zmarszczek."
Czy krem to zrobil? Nie.
Czy krem zrobil cokolwiek? Nie.
Zupelnie nic? Zgadza sie.

Skonczylam go uzywac do smarowania szyi.

Do tej pory walcze z zawodnikiem numer dwa:

Iope Essential Moisture Relief Cream. All 50 ml of it.

This stuff stinks. It's so heavily perfumed using it anywhere on my face would provoke a sudden asthma attack. And the scent isn't all that pleasant either. If I'm going to slowly suffocate myself, at least let it be due to something that smelled nice. Even a little bit nice will do.

This thing here, it reeks of chemically scented mothballs. The kind you can get at a 100 yen store. Too awful for words.

To dziadostwo smierdzi. Jest tak mocno naperfumowane, ze smarowanie go gdziekolwiek na twarzy grozi mi atakiem astmy. I nie jest to przyjemny zapach. Jesli mam sie udusic, to niech przynajmniej bedzie to przez mily zapach. Ale nie. Ten tutaj cuchnie.

Zapach przypomina do zludzenia chemicznie naperfumowane kulki na mole. Takie ze sklepu 100-jenowego. Brak slow, aby to opisac.

I'm using it on my ass. I haven't noticed any visible effects yet. My bottom doesn't feel any softer or more supple than before. But I have 2 jars of this cream (got another one in the Jackpot Memebox), so there is still a chance that my behind will end up looking like a Korean pop idol's face. We shall see...

Here are the ingredient lists. Just scroll down a bit.


Smaruje sobie nim tylek. Nie widze, ani nie czuje zadnych wyraznych efektow. Ale mam tego dziadostwa dwa sloiczki (drugi przyszedl w pudelku jackpotowym). Wiec nadal jest szansa, ze moj tylek zacznie wygladac jak twarz k-popowej idolki.
Pozyjemy, zobaczymy...

Tutaj lista skladnikow.


Minggu, 23 November 2014

Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX

Another weekend, another cushion.
This is turning into a telenovela. And just like a telenovela, I can keep going for quite a while. A very long time... (Do they have any treatment programs for cushion addicts?)

Kolejny weekend, kolejny podklad w poduszce.
Ten serial zamienia sie w telenowele. Bo tak jak telenowela, mam tych odcinkow w planach, ze ho ho.

Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX in 21 (light beige) is today's protagonist.
Sooryehan is one of the brands from LG Household and Health Care (I mentioned it before when writing about Isa Knox foundation last weekend) and I've heard it being described variously as "su:m37 for the budget conscious" or "a pared down version of The History of Whoo". Either way, still sounds pretty fancy, but with a more reasonable price tag.

Bohaterem dzisiejszego odcinka jest Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX w kolorze numer 21 (jasny bez). Sooryehan to jedna z marek ze stajni LG Household and Health Care (wspominalam o tym przy okazji opisywania podkladu Isa Knox w zeszlym tygodniu.
Slyszalam okreslenia, ze Sooryehan to "su:m37 dla ubogich" lub "budgetowa wersja The History of Whoo". W kazdym razie aura nadal chce byc haj-klas, ale z cena bardziej z tej planety.

As most (all?) cushions, this one also claims to preform several functions. It's a sunblock (no big surprise here) SPF50+ PA+++. How effective is it? That I can't tell you. What I can tell you, is that I am very skeptical to any cushion's sunblocking claims. Why? We simply don't apply enough of the product to enjoy any UV filtering and sun blocking benefits. So, please, always use a stand-along sunblock product. Unless, of course, sun spots and skin cancer are what you're aiming for.

But where was I?
Ah, yes, what this cushion can do.

Jak wiekszosc (wszystkie?) poduszek, ta rowniez ma filtr SPF 50+ PA+++. Czy on dziala? Nie wiem. Co wiem, to to, ze podchodze do filtrowych zapewnien wszystkich poduszek z przymruzeniem oka. Dlaczego? Bo po prostu nie kladziemy na twarzy wystarczajacej ilosci produktu, aby miec wystarczajaca ochrone przed sloncem. Dlatego dla pewnosci zawsze warto uzywac osobnego filtra. No chyba, ze ktos celowo planuje przebarwienia posloneczne z mozliwoscia raka skory. Ludzie maja rozne upodobania.

Ale, gdzie ja bylam?
Ah, wlasciwosci tej poduszki.


Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX also claims to give a cooling effect (hmmm, kind of true), provide whitening and anti-wrinkle benefits (didn't see any), and be really, really long lasting.

How long did it last on my face?
Hmmm... I never wear makeup for more than 9 hours a day. When used with a base and set with a setting powder, this cushion indeed stayed in place from morning till night.

Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX rowniez chwali sie tym, ze daje efekt chlodzenia (sie zgodze, tak po trochu), posiada wlasciwosci rozjasniajace, przeciwzmarszczkowe (nie zauwazylam) i ma miec niesamowita trwalosc.

Ile wytrzymala ta poducha ma mojej twarzy?
Nie nosze makijazu dluzej niz 9 godzin dziennie. Kiedy uzywalam poduszke Sooryehan na baze i utrwalona pudrem, to wytrzymala w dobrej kondycji od rana az do zmycia makijazu.

It's a nice basic cushion that does what it's been designed to do. The coverage goes from light to medium. There are two shades available: 21 (lighter) and 23 (darker). Both are beige but with slight pink undertones.

We get 15 grams of product, and the version I bought did NOT come with a refill. Also, there was no leaflet in the box. All relevant information was printed ON the box.

To bardzo mila poduszka na co dzien. Robi to co ma robic. Krycie mozna stopniowac od lekkiego co sredniego.
Sa dostepne dwa odcienie: 21 (jasniejszy) i 23 (ciemniejszy). Oba bezowe z rozowymo podtonami.

Dostajemy 15 gram produktu i wersja, ktora ja kupilam nie miala refill'a. Rowniez nie bylo ulotki w pudelku. Wszystkie niezbedne informacje wydrukowe sa na pudelku.

The compact is white and silver and impossible to keep clean and fingerprint-free.

Kompakcik jest bialy i srebrny i pucowanie go to syzyfowa praca. Przyciaga upackania i odciski paluchow jak magnes.

On the bottom we have what I assume is the expiration date.
Na spodzie kompaktu mamy date, ktora domyslam sie, jest data waznosci.


The puff is a standard issue cushion puff, no surprise here:
Aplikator to standardowa gabeczka do podkladow poduszkowych:

You have your typical cushion setup with an inner lid to keep the product from drying out.
When you lift the lid, there's a surprise waiting for you. Or rather, not waiting for you. Because it's not there.

Mamy tutaj typowy uklad poduszkowy - wewnetrzne wieczko, aby chronic podklad przed wyschnieciem.
A pod wieczkiem - niespodzianka. A raczej jej brak.

The cushion surface was not protected by a stick-on seal sheet. Instead there was a round piece of plastic film sitting right on top of the cushion.
I suppose it does the job, but a stick-on seal would have been much nicer. Oh, right, it is the budget version. I forgot :-)

Powierzchnia poduszki nie byla zapieczetowana naklejka. Zamiast naklejki byl krazek plastikowej folii. No niby chroni przed wysychaniem, ale naklejka dawalbym dodatkowa pewnosc, ze poduszka byla niemacana. No ale tutaj mamy wesje dla ubogich. Wiec moze dlatego naklejki brak.

Here you can see what I mean. Yes, it's functional, but very primitive.
Tutaj widac ten krazek. Tak troche prymitywnie...


The cushion itself was a delight to use. The color was as close to a perfect match as you could get:

Podunia sama w sobie byla czysta przyjemnoscia w uzyciu. Kolor jest "prawie" idealny.

I was very pleasantly surprised. My pores were nicely blurred. The finish was dewy without being overly wet, the foundation was easy to apply and quick to set on the skin. It didn't break me out.

All in all, this is a very good, solid cushion that performs well on normal and dry skin types. My friend with a slightly oily skin is testing it right now, and she says that so far it hasn't been giving her any problems. Instead of a base, she's using loose powder and applies Sooryehan on top of that. According to her, it gives her the best results.

I must admit I started to use the same trick with Hera UV Mist Cushion, and I am very happy to report that it helps the foundation dry quickly and makes it set in no time. Love this trick!

Bylam mile zaskoczona. Pory byly ladnie zamazane. Wykoczenie jest dewy, ale bez zbednej mokrosci. Latwo sie ta poduszke naklada i ladnie ona sie trzyma na twarzy. Nie wysypalo mnie po niej.

Mysle, ze to dobra poduszka, ktora powinna sprawdzic sie swietnie na cerach normalnych i suchych.
Moja przyjaciolka z cera mieszana w strone tlustej uzywa jej w tej chwili i jak do tej pory, nie narzeka. Zamiast bazy uzywa ona sypkiego pudru. No to kladzie poduszke. Wedlug niej, to najlepszy patent na ta poduszke.
Sama uzywam tego rozwiazania przy nakladaniu poduszki Hera UV Mist Cushion i jestem bardzo zadowolona.

The ingredient list, translated by the indispensable Agata from Agathblog (thank you so much!) is quite long and features Stewartia Koreana Leaf Extract as its main ingredient.

Sklad przetlumaczony przez niezastapiona Agate z Agathblog, ma ekstrakt z lisci koreanskiej stewarcji kameliowatej na czolowym miejscu.

Sooryehan Volume Cushion Cover Foundation LX ingredient list:

Stewartia Koreana Leaf Extract, Cyclopentasiloxane, Titanium Dioxide, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Diphenylsiloxy Phenyl Trimethicone, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Cyclohexasiloxane, Zinc Oxide, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, Water Niacinamide, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Tromethamine, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sodium Chloride, Adenosine, Angelica Tenuissima Root Extract, Phaseolus Radiatus Seed Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Ceratonia Siliqua (Carob) Fruit Extract, Trichosanthes Kirilowii Root Extract, Lactobacillus/Clover Flower Ferment Extract, Lactobacillus/Honeysuckle Flower Extract Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Bambusa Arundinacea Juice/Sucrose/Ferment Filtrate, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract, Achillea Millefolium Extract, Urea, Allantoin, Pogostemon Cablin Leaf Extract, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Extract, Poria Cocos Extract, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Juniperus Mexicana Oil, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, PEG-10 Phytosterol, Saccharomyces/Imperata Cylindrica Root Ferment Extract, Saccharomyces/Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Ferment Extract, Lactobacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract, Ceramide 3, PEG-10 Rapeseed Sterol, Glycereth-20, Dipropylene Glycol, Dimethicone/PEG-10/15 Crosspolymer, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Dimethicone/Methicone Copolymer, Aluminum Hydroxide, Stearic Acid, Palmitoyl Proline, Magnesium Palmitoyl Glutamate, Sodium Palmitoyl Sarcosinate, Palmitic Acid, Dimethiconol, Butylene Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Phenoxyethanol, Mica, Triethoxysilylethyl Polydimethylsiloxyethyl Dimethicone, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Zinc Stearate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Distearyldimonium Chloride, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Alcohol Denat., Limonene, Linalool, Citral, Fragrance, CI 77492, CI 77491, CI 77499

I was familiar with Stewartia as an ornamental tree, I had no idea it was used in Korean folk medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments, from vascular problems to wound healing. 
Live and learn. I can see how wound healing and cell regeneration would be beneficial in skin care. Maybe that's why when using this cushion so far I haven't had a single breakout. 

Do tej pory znalam stewarcje jako ozdobne drzewko. Nie mialam pojecia, ze a koreanskiej tradycyjnej medycynie uzywa sie go to leczenia calej gamy dolegliwosci, od problemow naczyniowych po gojenie ran. Czlek uczy sie kazdego dnia. Rozumiem, ze gojenie ran i regeneracja komorek to wlasciwosci o ktore tutaj chodzilo.
Mozliwe, ze to dlatego, jak do tej pory podczas uzywania tej poduszki nie mialam zadnych powazniejszych wysypow. A dotychczasowe wysypy zagoily sie bardzo ladnie.

I purchased it on G-market. The prices vary widely and wildly depending on, I don't know, the weather? Day of the week? The mood of the seller? Expect to pay anywhere from US$20 to 30 dollars and up. I've also seen this cushion on ebay, and it was on the pricey side.

Due to my stupidity (a.k.a. not being able to read the fine print in Korean) and laziness (hello, copy and paste into google translate), I actually bought, ahem, ahem, 3 of these cushions. One went to a friend overseas, and the other to a friend here. She liked the effect on my face enough to ask me where I bought it. She's the one with a combination skin type.

Kupilam ta poduszke na G-markecie. Ceny sa bardzo zroznicowane, w zaleznosci od, sama nie wiem, pogody? Dnia tygodnia? Samopoczucia sprzedawcy? Wahaja sie od 20 do ponad 30 dolarow. Widzialam tez ta poduszke na ebayu, ale po znacznie wyzszej cenie.

Przez glupote i lenistwo (bo nie znam koreanskiego i nie chcialo mi sie wkleic tekstu do translatora), kupilam tych poduszek, ahem, ahem, sztuk trzy. Jedna poleciala do kolezanki za granica, druga do kolezanki tu na miejscu. Podobal jej sie efekt na twarzy i tez chciala. To wlasnie ta dziewczyna z cera mieszana w kierunku tlustej.


OK, this was a very simple and to the point review. But I have a good excuse. 

I to koniec tej malo wyszukanej prezentacji.
Ale mam dobra wymowke.

Yep, my Kinokuniya haul. I think I shall start with Pratchett.

See ya!

Tak, wlazlam do Kinokuniyi. Chyba zaczne od Pratchetta.


Kamis, 20 November 2014

SK-II Stempower and Cellumination

We'll get all luxurious tonight and talk about these SK-II products, but first, it's time for a little story.

Dzis wieczorem bedzie luksusowo, ale zanim porozmawiamy o tych tutaj SK-II specyfikach, czas na krotka opowiastke.

Long, long time ago, my very first job in Japan involved meeting perfect strangers in exchange for money. No, I wasn't a ho, I was just an English conversation teacher. Just as risky, but a lot less financially rewarding.

Anyway, one of my clients was this chick, who looked like she's just stepped out of a horny weebo's wet dream. She was not only gorgeous, but also quite smart and very cunning. So cunning in fact, that she got herself a job at a fancy lawyer's office, and in a year's time, she became Mrs Fancy Lawyer. Not bad for a lowly office lady, wouldn't you say? See? Yet another proof that looks will get you far in life. And I have no idea what happened to Mrs Fancy Lawyer number 1.

Mrs Fancy Lawyer number 2 had the most amazing skin. Straight out of a skincare commercial. Needless to say, I immediately asked her what she did to make her skin look so incredibly flawless.
She said, "oh, nothing special, I use SK-II."

Dawno, dawno temu, moja pierwsza praca w Japonii polegala na spotykaniu sie z ludzmi w zamian za pieniadze. Nie, nie swiadczylam "takich" uslug. Udzielalam prywatnych lekcji angielskiego. Ryzyko niemal takie same, ale kasa duzo marniejsza.

Jedna z moich pierwszych klientek byla dziewczyna, ktora wygladala jak marzenie kazdego seksualnie sfustrowanego otaku. Miala nie tylko urode, ale byla tez cwana i zaradna. Do tego stopnia zaradna, ze starala sie o prace, ktora dostala, w bardzo ekskluzywnym biurze prawniczym. A po roku pracy tam, sama zostala Mrs Ekskluzywny Prawnik. Niezly stopien w gore drabiny spolecznej dla zwyklej "sekretarki". Widzicie? Kolejny dowod na to, ze dzieki samej urodzie mozna daleko w zyciu zajsc. Co sie stalo z pania Ekskluzywny Prawnik numer 1 tego nie wiem.

Pani Ekskluzywny Prawnik numer 2 miala najbardziej niesamowita cere, jaka w zyciu widzialam. Prosto jak z reklamy. Oczywiscie natychmiast sie jej zapytalam czegoz to ona uzywa, zeby miec taka nieskazitelna twarz.
"Oh, nic szczegolnego. SK-II" - odpowiedziala.

And she appeared genuinely surprised that there were people in this country who did not own a single SK-II skincare product. Travesty!

I was immediately determined to correct that mistake. Right after that lesson I hopped over to the department store frequented by the fancy people of this world, and got me a big bottle of SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. Paying for it, I realized that we'd have to eat nothing but rice with nori for the rest of the month. But what the heck. Amazing skin required sacrifices.

The first week of my very expensive Pitera™ ridiculousness I observed no results. The second week my skin started to look amazing. The third week I got the motherlode of all breakouts. Zitness galore.
I stopped using the essence and my skin cleared up.

I started using the essence again. What happened that time? See above.
Yes, exactly the same.

Yet reading all the wonderful testimonials on them innernets about "This Essence saved my skin!" and "It cleared up my acne" and "Newly proven. Your Crystal Clear Skin can last 10, 20, 30 years from now" I was sure the hideous breakouts were my fault, not the essence's. Surely, this magic potion couldn't be to blame.

I suffered through not one, not two, but three, yes 3 bottles of this bloody, farking facial treatment before I regained the ability to think clearly. I stopped using the essence, my skin gradually improved and Mrs Fancy Lawyer number 2 got pregnant and very hormonal, and her skin started to look awful. Yet another proof that the universe will always balance itself out..

But my unhealthy fascination with the SK-II brand remained.
As you can see here:

Wygladala na autentycznie zaskoczona, ze sa na tym swiecie ludzie, ktorzy nie posiadaja nawet jednego kosmetyku marki SK-II.
Postanowilam natychmiast naprawic ten blad, i zaraz po lekcji pognalam do ekskluzywnego departamentu, gdzie swoje zakupy robia zony ekskluzywnych prawnikow. Kupilam wielka butle SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. Placac za nia zdalam sobie sprawe, ze do konca miesiaca bedziemy jesc tylko i wylacznie ryz i wodorosty, ale no coz. Nieskazitelna cera wymaga poswiecen.

Po pierwszym tygodniu uzywania esencji z oslawiona Pitera™ nie zauwazylam zadnych rezultatow. Po drugim tygodniu moja cera zaczela wygladac przepieknie. W trzecim tygodniu dostalam wysypu z piekla rodem.
Przestalam uzywac esencji i stan skory wrocil do normy.

Zaczelam uzywac esencji na nowo. I co? I powtorka z rozrywki.
Ale czytajac te wszystkie zachwycone recenzje, ze "ta esencja uratowala moja skora" i "dzieki tej esencji pozbylam sie tradziku" i "piekna cere mozna miec przez 10, 20, 30 lat od teraz", bylam pewna, ze skoro mnie tak wysypuje, to cos ze mna musi byc nie tak, a nie z esencja.
I meczylam sie tak nie przez 1 butelke, nie przez 2, ale przez 3 (tak trzy) butle tego specyfiku zanim w koncu doszlam do siebie. Odstawilam esencje i moja cera wrocila do normy.
Pani Ekskluzywny Prawnik numer 2 w miedzyczasie zaszla w ciaze i cera jej sie zfajdaczyla. Rownowaga we wszechswiecie zostala zachowana.

Ale moja niezdrowa fascynacja z SK-II zostala.
Jak zreszta dobrze widac:

The Wrinkle Specialist was garbage. Sorry, there are no other words to describe it. I did a side by side test with Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone, and after 4 weeks I had to stop, because my face was starting to look ridiculous. I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally managed to use it all up.

Now, these two guys, SK-II Stempower Rich Cream and Cellumination Deep Surge EX were hard to peg. I had used samples of "regular" Stempower and I liked how it kept my skin moist and supple.
A "rich" version should be twice as good, right? Wrong. I don't know what I was thinking. There must have been some really great stuff as a GWP, because obviously, I bought the rich version instead of just "stempower".

SK-II Wrinkle Specialist byl monumentalna strata kasy. Nie wiem jak inaczej to okreslic pozostajac w granicach przyzwoitosci. Robilam sobie test - na pol twarzy Wrinkle Specialist, na druga polowe Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone. Po czterech tygodniach musialam przestac, bo wygladalo to tak, jakby cos powaznego mi sie na twarzy przytrafilo. Zuzylam go w koncu smarujac inne czesci ciala i odetchnelam z ulga, kiedy sie skonczyl.

Ci tutaj zawodnicy, SK-II Stempower Rich Cream i Cellumination Deep Surge EX, to tak szczerze mowiac, mnie troche wkurzaja.
Mialam miniaturki "normalnego" Stempower kremu i bardzo mi sie podobablo jak pieknie nawilzal moja twarz i jak jedrnie i zdrowo moja cera wygladala.
Wiec wersja "rich" powinna byc dwa razy lepsza, czyz nie? Nie. Nie mam pojecia co mi chodzilo po glowie, kiedy kupowalam ten Stempower Rich Cream. Pewnie rozdawali jakis mega upominek z zakupem, bo jak widac, kupilam wersje "rich" zamiast normalnej.

First impressions? I hated it. I hated it so much that I stopped using it and I would have probably forgotten all about it, but then winter came. And my skin got really dry.
I gave SK-II Stempower Rich Cream another chance.

And boy, am I glad I did. Now I finally understand why this cream is so highly rated in the anti-aging category by just about every beautinista on the planet.
Make no mistake, this is serious moisture and serious recovery for dry and very dry skin only.

Pierwsze wrazenia? Znienawidzilam go. Do tego stopnia, ze przestalam go uzywac i wsadzilam gdzies w kat. I pewnie zupelnie bym o nim zapomniala, gdyby nie to, ze lato sie skonczylo i przyszla zima. A wraz z zima - super sucha skora.
Dalam SK-II Stempower Rich Cream druga szanse.

I chwala mi za to! Teraz w koncu rozumiem dlaczego ten krem jest KWC w kategorii anti-aging dla niemal kazdej kosmetycznej snobki na tym swiecie (albo przynajmniej poza Europa, bo cos mi sie zdaje, ze tam szal SK-II jeszcze nie dotarl).
To powazne nawilzanie i regeneracja dla suchej i bardzo suchej cery.

It's ridiculously thick and even more ridiculously rich. Nighttime use only for this baby. And voila! You wake up to baby soft, perfectly moisturized, rejuvenated skin.

I just finished the jar you see in the photo above and even though I have a box full of Korean magic creams, I am seriously considering buying this Stempower Rich Cream again. But that just shows you how monumentally stupid I am. There are tons of other products with Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate out there that don't cost and arm and a leg and a firstborn. Or at least a kidney.
So what's this Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate stuff? Nothing else than SK-II's Pitera™.

Jesli bardzo gesty i bardzo bogaty. Tylko i wylacznie na noc. I magic! Budzisz sie z twarza jak z reklamy - miekka, perfekcyjnie nawilzona, zregenerowana, wypoczeta cera.

Gdyby nie to, ze mam cale pudlo koreanskich specyfikow, to pewnie polecialabym z wywieszonym ozorem do ekskluzywnej galerii, gdzie zony ekskluzywnych prawnikow robia zakupy i kupila kolejne opakowanie tego Stempower Rich Cream. Co tylko potwierdza, ze sprawnosc umyslowa u mnie kuleje, poniewaz sa setki innych kosmetykow bogatych w Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, ktore nie kosztuja jednej nerki.
A coz to ten Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate? Nic innego niz oslawiona SK-IIowska Pitera™

SK-II Stempower Rich Cream ingredients:
SK-II Stempower Rich Cream sklad:

Water, Glycerin, Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Niacinamide, Petrolatum, Isopropyl Isostearate, Isohexadecane, Butylene Glycol, Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride, Pentylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Stearyl Alcohol, Polyacrylamide, Cetyl Alcohol, Vinyl Dimethicone / Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Behenyl Alcohol, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Benzyl Alcohol, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Dimethiconol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Laureth-7, Methylparaben, PEG-100 Stearate, Stearic Acid, Disodium EDTA, Propylparaben, Sodium PEG-7 Olive Oil Carboxylate, Ethylparaben, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Sodium Hydroxide, Fragrance, Acanthopanax Senticosus (Eleuthero) Root Extract, Cynara Scolymus (Artichoke) Leaf Extract, Polyquaternium-7, Ammonium Polyacrylate, Methylsilanol Tri-PEG-8 Glyceryl Cocoate, Methicone, CI 77891, CI 77492.

Our next contestant tonight is the equally famous SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX cream? Gel? Whatever...

Zawodnik numer dwa dzis wieczor to rownie slynny SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX krem? Zel? Cholera go wie.

I must have been brain dead when I bought it. Out of all the ridiculously expensive creams and potions out there, I chose this. Unbelievable. I was looking for a cheaper replacement for the, as it turned out, irreplaceable Lancome Absolue Precious Cells. Why I bought this SK-II product baffles me to this day.

I immediately hated it and I still hate it.
I am using it up, but painfully slowly.

Nie mam pojecia dlaczego go kupilam. Ze wszystkich mozliwych snobistycznych kremow na swiecie wybralam ten. Sama sie dziwie. Szukalam czegos tanszego niz Lancome Absolue Precious Cells. I kupilam to. Do dzis nie rozumiem dlaczego.

Zaczelam sie tym smarowac i natychmiast znienawidzilam. I nienawidze do tej pory.
Zuzywam (bo tyle kosztowalo, ze szkoda wywalic), ale opornie mi to idzie.

It's an opalescent gel-like substance that leaves a very uncomfortable, siliconey feeling on the skin. Yes, it absorbs into the skin, but even after that, you can still feel it.
Don't get me wrong, it's not a liquid plastic feeling (here the top prize goes to Shiseido's Ultimune), it's more like an annoying sensation you get after slathering on a layer of cheap drugstore moisturizer.

SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX is supposed to hydrate your skin, even out your skin tone and make it look all luminous and wonderful.
Did it do any of the above for me?
No. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

But, unlike SK-II Facial Treatment Essence, at least it didn't break me out.
SK-II's patented Pitera™ is the key ingredient and you can read about it here.

SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX to opalizujacy ni to zel, ni to krem, ktory zostawia bardzo nieprzyjemne uczucie na skorze. Niby sie wchlania, ale nawet po wchlonieciu moja twarz go czuje.
Nie jest to uczucie plynnego plastiku (tutaj kroluje Shiseidowskie Ultimune). Raczej jak wysmarowanie sie gruba warstwa taniego moisturizera z drogerii. Tyle, ze ten z drogerii bedzie siedzial na skorze i jelczal, a SK-II sie ladnie wchlonie. Ale wrazenie na skorze niemal takie samo.

Cellumination ma za zadanie nawilzac cere, wyrownywac jej koloryt i nadawac blasku.
Czy zrobilo cos z tych rzeczy u mnie?
Zupelnie nie. Zero. Nic.

Ale przynajmniej, majac w pamieci Facial Treatment Essence, nie spowodowalo wypryskowej bonanzy.
Jak na SK-II przystalo, glowny skladnik to Pitera™. Mozna sobie o nim poczytac tutaj.


Key Ingredient: Pitera™ is full of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and organic acids that work together to allow the skin’s natural surface rejuvenation process to function at its prime.
And yes, there's actual science behind it.

Glowny ingredient to Pitera, pelna witamin, aminokwasow, mineralow i substancji organicznych, ktore wspolpracujac ze soba sprawiaja, ze naturalne procesy regeneracji skory przebiegaja na najwyzszych obrotach. I badania naukowe naprawde to potwierdzaja.

And this is the SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX ingredient list:
Tutaj sklad SK-II Cellumination Deep Surge EX:

Water, Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Niacinamide, Butylene Glycol, Nylon-12, Pentylene Glycol, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Dimethicone, Boron Nitride, Silica, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Aminomethyl Propanol, Phenoxyethanol, Polyglyceryl-10 Oleate, Benzyl Alcohol, PEG-20 Sorbitan Cocoate, Undecylenoyl Phenylalanine, Dimethiconol, Disodium EDTA, Polyglyceryl-2 Oleate, Panthenol, Sodium Benzoate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Polysorbate 80, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Methylparaben, Centella Asiatica Extract, Lecithin, Fragrance.

Here you have more of the same, but in Japanese.

My final thoughts? Unless you have plenty of money to blow, don't buy. It ain't worth it. At least not the white one. The red one, yeah, it's great, but only if you have dry or very dry skin.

Na zdjeciu to samo, tyle ze po japonsku.

Koncowe przemyslenia?
Nie kupuj, nie warto. Przynajmniej nie tego bialego. Ten czerwony, fakt, jest dobry. Ale tylko jesli masz sucha lub bardzo sucha cere. I kupe kasy na zbyciu.

The scariest part is that I will probably buy SK-II something or another in the future, because, I don't know... I just can't help myself.

A najgorsze z tego wszystkiego jest to, ze predzej czy pozniej na pewno kupie kolejny kosmetyk SK-II, bo... no wlasnie... nie moge sie powstrzymac.