This was supposed to be a post about SK-II Clear Beauty, but since everyone is talking about this Sulwhasoo EvenFair Perfecting Cushion SPF50+/ PA+++, then of course, like a good, little lemming that I am, I must too. Especially since I actually have the product at home.
Agathblog listed the ingredients in a language that most of my readers can understand (sorry English speakers, but go ahead, give it a try, I think you can manage it) and may fame and glory be forever hers. But as I'm not an ingredients snob, I divide my cosmetics into different, more pedestrian categories:
- - breaks me out, and
- - it doesn't.
If it doesn't, then the additional sub-categories are:
- - delivers what it promises, and
- - it doesn't.
To mial byc wpis o SK-II Clear Beauty, ale tak skoro wszyscy ostatnio o tej poduszce Sulwhasoo, to ja tez.
Agathblog podala sklad po angielskiemu, i chwala jej za to. Ja snobka skladowa nie jestem i dziele kosmetyki wedlug bardziej plebejskich kategorii:
- - zapycha
- - nie zapycha.
Jesli nie zapycha, to dwie subkategorie sa takie:
- - wywiazuje sie z obietnic producenta, lub
- - nie.
Skladami przestalam podniecac sie juz dawno temu, odkad odkrylam, ze cos moze miec najcudowniejszy, najbardziej bogaty w ekstrakty, naturalny sklad, a mnie i tak z twarzy zrobi pizze. Wiec teraz pozostaja mi moje bardziej subiektywne i mniej snobistyczne sposoby na ocenianie kosmetykow.
Fancy ingredients don't excite me anymore. Why? Something can have the most wonderful list of ingredients, full of organic, mystical, mythical stuff, but it can still turn my face into a pepperoni pizza. So now I am left with a lot more subjective and a lot less snobbish ways of evaluating my cosmetic products.
Wiec wedlug moich, jakze nienaukowych kryteriow, jak wypadla ta nieszczesna poduszka od Sulwhasoo?
Ha! niespodzianka! Jest jeszcze i trzecia kategoria, na ktora dziele kosmetyki kolorowe. A mianowicie:
- - kolor pasuje, lub
- - nie.
Ale zacznijmy od poczatku.
So, according to my very unscientific criteria, what can I say about this Sulwhasoo cushion?
Ha! Surprise! There is another category to divide my color makeup:
- - a good match, and
- - the opposite.
But let's start from the beginning...
Zakupione w Lotte Department w Myeongdong. Kosztowalo rownowartosc 60 dolarow (o 15 wiecej niz Hera, o ktorej bylo w poprzednim wpisie).
I bought it at Lotte Department Store in Myeongdong. The price? The equivalent of 60 dollars (American, 15 more than the Hera cushion).
Pudelko wyglada tak:
The box looks like this:

Kolor, ktory wzielam, to najjasniejszy jaki mieli, numer 13 - jasny roz. Brzmi obiecujaco.
Myzialam sie tym w sklepie, wiec wiedzialam, ze nie do konca mi ten kolor pasowal. Ale w przyplywie chwilowego zacmienia umyslowego i tak ta poduszke kupilam.
Dlaczego? Sama juz nie wiem. Byc moze mialam nadzieje na cud.
I bought the lightest shade they had - No. 13 - Light Pink. Sounds awful, right?
I tested it at the counter and I knew it wasn't a perfect match. But during a momentary lapse of reason, I bought this cushion anyway.
W pudelku znajduje sie kompakt:
In the box, there is a compact:

oraz refill:
and a refill:

i rowniez ulotka.
and a leaflet.
Ale nauczona doswiadczeniem z Hery, nawet sie za ta ulotke nie zabieralam.
Kompakt z wygladu podoba mi sie duzo bardziej niz kompakt Hery. Ale nie kompakt sie liczy, ale to co w nim jest.
But mindful of the Hera leaflet experience, I didn't even touch this one.
I like this compact case a lot more than Hera. Though it's not the compact that matters, but what's inside that I should be paying attention to...
A jest w nim to:
And inside there was this:

Gabeczka ladniutka, mieciutka, tak mila, ze az nie mialam serca sie za nia brac. Wiec do swatchowania uzylam jednorazowej gabeczki z pakietu wielogabeczkowego. W ten sposob Sulwhasoo nie zostal upackany.
The sponge is lovely, soft, gorgeous. I didn't have the heart to get it all dirty. So to swatch the cushion I used a disposable sponge from a multi-pack. That way the Sulwhasoo gem could stay clean and pristine.
Produkt jest zabezpieczony naklejka:
The product inside is protected by a sticky label:

Po usunieciu naklejki mamy przed soba slawetna poduszke Sulwhasoo w calej okazalosci. Okrzyknieta ponoc zostala najlepsza poduszka roku 2013.
After removing the label, we finally can admire the famous Sulwhasoo Evenfair Perfecting Cushion in all its glory. Supposedly, it was voted as the best cushion product of 2013 by the Korean version of "Allure".

Poniewaz ciekawa bylam koloru, czy az tak bardzo by mi nie pasowal jak pamietalam ze sklepu, wzielam do reki jednorazowa gabeczke i nacisnelam nia na poduszke.
Because I was curious whether the shade really didn't suit me at all, I grabbed my disposable sponge and pressed the cushion.
A potem natychmiast usmarowalam sobie palec w celach fotograficznych.
And then immediately, I schmeared it on my finger, so there would be something to photograph.
W ten sposob mialam moj swatch, a poduszka nie zostala zanieczyszczona lub inaczej skalana.
This way I had my swatch and the cushion wasn't contaminated and the original sponge stayed gorgeous and clean.
Teksturowo bardzo podobne do Hery, ale ciut bardziej tresciwe. Mozliwe, ze to dlatego, ze moja poduszka od Hery to poduszka tonujaca, a nie szpachlujaca.
The texture is very similar to Hera, but a tiny bit richer. Maybe it's because my Hera cushion is not a covering cushion?
Ta tutaj kryla zdecydowanie mocniej:
Sulwhasoo's coverage was a bit more intense:

I jak bardzo latwo zauwazyc, kolor mi nie pasuje. Nie wiem, gdzie oni widzieli ten roz. Ja widze pomarancz. Nie rozmazalam tego do zdjecia, aby lepiej uchwycic odcien.
Po rozmazaniu prezentuje sie swietnie na skorze, wyglada tak jakby nic tam nie bylo. Tyle, ze u mnie obszar z tym nic mial wyraznie inny kolor.
As you can easily see, this is definitely not my shade. And I'm not sure where they saw this Light Pink. All I can see is Light Orange or Pale Yellow. I didn't blend it in, so it would be easier to photograph and show you the true shade.
After blending, it covers the pores perfectly and looks like there is nothing there. Except in my case, that nothing had a distinctly different color.
Gdybym mialam inny odcien, bylabym zachwycona, bo wykonczenie jest naprawde wspaniale. Ni to mat, ni to satyna, ni to glow. Wyglada delikatnie i daje efekt poreless, cera jak u lalki, zero porow. Podobnie jak Hera, ale bardziej tresciwie.
If I had a different shade, I would be singing its praises now. The finish it offers is really natural. It's not matte, it's not satin, and it's not glow. It's a bit of everything. It looks very delicate and gives the famous poreless skin effect. Just like Hera, but with a deeper, more intense color.
Ma SPF50+ PA+++, ale w ilosciach w jakich kladziemy ten produkt na twarz, nie da on nam zadnej ochrony. Filtr pod spodem jest niezbedny.
Co jest rowniez niezbedne, podobnie jak w przypadku Hery, to baza. Inaczej ten podklad po prostu splynie z twarzy.
Being an Asian product, of course it has SPF50+ PA+++, but... considering the tiny amounts we would normally use every day, it doesn't really offer a meaningful degree of protection. A layer of sunblock under it would be essential. Also, just like in Hera's case, a good base is a must. Otherwise this cushion foundation will simply melt away.
No wiec, jaki jest moj werdykt?
Nie wiem czy zapycha, bo nie probowalam wystarczajaco dlugo
Nie wiem czy wywiazuje sie z obietnic producenta.
Ale te skrawki, ktore mialam okazje przeczytac, daja nadzieje, ze tak, robi to co obiecuje na ulotce.
Wiem, ze kolor nie jest dla mnie.
So, what's my verdict?
I have no idea whether it breaks me out or not, because I haven't been using it long enough.
I have no idea whether it delivers what it promises. But from what I've read so far, chances are it just might do that.
But I also know that this is definitely not my shade. Sadly...
Wiec, szybciutenko, aby nic nie wyschlo, nalepilam naklejke zabezpieczajaca z powrotem, zamknelam kompakt, i razem z refillem i ulotka, wsadzilam z powrotem do pudelka.
So very quickly, I resealed the cushion with the original seal, closed the compact, and put everything back in the box.
Co z tym fantem teraz zrobic? Sama nie wiem.
Jesli jest ktos chetny, to odsprzedam za 40 dolarow, plus koszt wysylki.
So what am I supposed to do now? I have no idea.
If anyone wants it, I can sell it for 40 dollars, plus shipping.
If you are interested in purchasing this cushion, or any other Korean beauty product, you can order it online from Alice of W2Beauty. By clicking on the link, or the banner in the sidebar and using this registration code: 182991708, you can receive $5.00 off your first order (above $30.00). Free worldwide shipping directly from Korea, and lots of samples and other freebies with every order. Enjoy!!!
Jesli chcecie kupic ta poduszke, lub inne koreanskie kosmetyki z wiarygdnego zrodla, mozna to zrobic zamawiajac od Alice z W2Beauty.
Klikajac na ten link, lub w banner w pasku obok i wpisujac ten kod przy rejestracji: 182991708, otrzymacie $5.00 znizki przy pierwszym zamowieniu (powyzej $30.00).
Wysylka darmowa, prosto z Korei, na caly swiat, a w kazdym zamowieniu duzo probek.
Milych zakupow!
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